The most effective diet for weight loss home

To decide to lose weight, women diet revised. There are two options: balance, power mode and physical activity, and cause weight gain in Normal mode minus 0.5-2 kg a week, or a rapid weight extreme but effective diets. Which option to you like more? While many girls quick weight loss methods, I want to see the results after a few days you aren't already!

Diet products

However, fast, effective diets there are rear side: the result is that the short-term. And hunger lost weight and went back so fast. In addition, extreme weight loss methods – they are almost disposable. They help, reduce weight, once, twice. But by the time doesn't work anymore. The reason for this acute shortage of calories during that period of time – stress for the body, and slowly "learning" against him. Therefore, more and more girls it's not the choice of extreme methods to weight reduction, a healthy balanced diet that provides a long-term result.

But sometimes I still want to lose weight quickly: first, sports activities, a special date or event. Some of the requirements specified in the list of occupations norm weight, and to fight the standard, only to solve the problem of a quick and effective diet. We have collected the most popular power modes to help get rid of 5-10 pounds. But notice, a reasonable caution! There can be side effects of the diet restrictions sharp.

Top 5 most effective diets

A week diet plan

Most don't believe in tomorrow a few pounds in a simple and quick way at home, this is mono. They have a few disadvantages: the food monotony that causes a vitamin deficiency and trace elements, kilogram missing a quick turn, need to consult your doctor. The most effective diets for quick weight loss between and still where they belong.

Who Protasov

Whatever your purpose of visit, loving and can easily go without vegetables. Compiled Protasov diet designed for 5 weeks. That was built on a small addition of raw vegetables dairy products. The menu follows:

  • breakfast: Black Coffee, low-fat yogurt, an Apple;
  • second breakfast: cucumber, homemade cheese;
  • lunch always, the answer is: tea, apples, onions and tomatoes with shredded cheese;
  • Dec meal: carrots, lettuce, apples;
  • always in the evening, the answer is: boiled eggs, yogurt with tomatoes and herbs.

Too lazy to diet

Sometimes when cooking complex and no prescription. Good news is, require an effective diet tastes. The main principle is that "lazy" diet: you need to drink 2 glasses before meals, clean, warm water. Make sure it is hot! The essence is simple: to put out hot water at the same time the feeling of hunger to eat.

As part of this method to reduce weight fast, there is a need for three days, the product is almost no restriction. Though, sweets, greasy and fried foods, give up alcohol and carbonated drinks even better.


Buckwheat diet

You can reset this using mono up to 10 kg a week. However, you need to cook buckwheat, and steamed. That this happens is really good, but the weight helps to reduce. First wash, semolina, pour boiling water and wait a full grain swelling. This takes a lot of time, so 12 hours must be steamed and mashed. The best thing to do this evening. The buckwheat, add a little salt, spices, one tablespoon soy sauce.

Divide the amount of imported grain to eat 5 meals throughout the day. The Last Supper will not be held before then 5 hours of sleep. Drink a glass of water half an hour before meals. Additionally, drinking sugarless tea Yesil. This effective abuse is not a diet but a value, otherwise risk "win" gastrointestinal disease.

Dukan Diet

This protein is a diet, a centered, almost full disclaimer carbs. Duke Pierre supplied, so fed, a constantly changing menu. And again, a diet created raw food is not suitable for everyone, and only these, who needs 10 kg of reset, ready, and wait for the results a month or longer.

Strawberry diet the transition takes place in several phases. First, the waiver completely carbs instead of protein. Alternative protein and vegetables weight then stabilized. Introduce a little bit later-carb diet, but their share still not exceed 10% of the total product.

Most simple diet

Mono is not suitable for everyone: it is not possible to rely on them because the monotony of the diet, a sharp decline in the number of carbohydrates, have to search for a specific product. But there are ways to reduce it. by weight cooking numerous complex conditions.

Kefir diet

Kefir diet

One of the most popular options for immediate weight loss – kefir mono -. It's not easy to endure, but any difficulty with planning your diet and eating graphics. I mean, you drink 1.5 L per day for yogurt, let alone, even oily, and all. Believe in tomorrow so up to 5 kg a week. However, yogurt can't be sit down and have a longer 3-5 days, otherwise the body's exhaustion.

Mode for fast weight loss

Hard food limitation effectively in the short term. Therefore, sitting a yogurt or buckwheat, you need to be prepared, this lost weight will return quickly. But to re-level and fix it to their diet to reduce weight plus-minus 2 kg. to do this, eat fractional: large portions three times a day, in smaller doses, 5 times. You have to give up all high-calorie foods:

  • carbonated sugary drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • desserts;
  • fried and baked potatoes;
  • fatty red meat;
  • sausage;
  • cereals, breakfast lounge, fast food;
  • fast food;
  • cakes and other bakery white wheat flour.

You need to make the basic diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean fish, white meat, grains except white rice. Given the power useful to keep a log, every meal, even the smallest. Also calculate the ratio of 300-500 pieces from it for his lifestyle and daily calorie stick calories to gain weight and such.

Effective weight loss methods

This emergency pounds you have the methods that are listed, and many others.

Effective diet 5 days

Thin girl

"Ladder" of the reducer from 3 to 8 kg technical weight for 5 days. Based, five-speed, power equal to 5 week days:

  1. Purifying day: hunger, clean water with regular use.
  2. Healing: Got Milk Products.
  3. Energy: to make both happy, the body uses glucose, raisins, honey and other natural products.
  4. Construction: at this stage the protein you eat.
  5. Fat burning: needed fiber, nutritious, and suppress hunger which benefits.

One of the most effective diet week

A week using weights to reduce the easiest, nutritious diet of wheat porridge and milk. Yeah, so it's monotonous, but it doesn't help say, up to 5 kg. Techniques for wheat as wheat you need to cook: steamed, not cook. Until the day drink 1.5 liters of fat yogurt.

Effective diet for 10 days

Superdeity slimming essence: one day only the amount of Product 1 kg. It is possible to reduce attenuation up to 10 days it takes approximately 8 kg. However, doctors warn: this method even helps you reduce weight but not safe for health. Therefore the first sign of weakness at first, I need to see a doctor. And to prevent disease, stick to principles such as:

  • select natural products;
  • diet eliminates oily, sweet, smoked, red meat, alcohol;
  • eat a program to do and stick;
  • reduce the number of salt consume a meal.

Products which is suitable for this method of accommodation options, weight: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrots. Also advice, fresh cucumbers, apples and boiled rice. Able to edit "kefir" and "Milk" Day.

Try a vegetarian diet. This is a safer option, but it doesn't help say, up to 3 kg. the essence of this method, nutrition, fruits and vegetables, disclaimer, all other meals, including cheese, eggs and milk.

Effective the diet for 2 weeks

Fourteen nearly full, you can try a bit of extreme weight loss include a disclaimer of the work. You gotta eat some healthy food to prevent a feeling of fullness. You will experience constant hunger, he wouldn't believe half of the basic weight, fasting for the first week, then weight loss speed slows down.

However, this is not appropriate diet, all put it mildly. Starvation – stress for the body, and two weeks eating a lot of bad side effects. Therefore, I suggest a less radical in a way that is already familiar to a diet product normal body weight a day. Drink up to 2 gallons a day to remember 14 days and stretch it and alternative products.

The most effective weight loss diet 10 kg

A narrow waist

To reduce 10 kg of body weight three ways: hard, cleaner and protector. We advice, without obligation, hard not to care because there are a lot of methods have side effects. But you try to reduce weight, it may be an urgent need for such option: a full waiver, high-calorie food and migration, low-calorie diet. Maximum calorie daily diet – 1300 calories. To avoid the constant hunger, the need, divide the food 7-8 techniques.

A softer option: it is a method of lean animal products, as well as fried, oily and smoked foods. Instead of them vegetables, fruits, grain cereals, low-fat dairy products. However, in this case importantly, eat smaller portions, 5 times a day.

Transfer to a soft diet easiest loss 10 kg within a month of the aims. There is a strict restriction, but high-calorie foods, fast food, desserts, doughnuts, sweet and to eliminate carbonated drinks completely. Also specifically oily, fried, smoked. Instead, black and unleavened bread, for dinner, a bit boring, no sugar, bread, butter, celery, milk, vegetables and fruit. Also food grains, legumes, lean meats and fish. Yesil we drink tea, kefir, fruit juices. But mold handling, palletizing systems, and squeezed own!

Easy diet secrets

Save is important for weight loss motivation: about the purpose of remembering. This period enjoyable to work with: none, close to chatting, walking, the outdoors, exercise regularly. Sure to drink at least 2 liters of pure mineral water a day, eat small portions, and diet after diet will detect more easily.

Comments and conclusions thin

Thin girls experience approvals: balanced transition diet – it's a straight way. a more beautiful figure!

Comments physicians and specialists

Medicine is similar to: a tempo for safer health, reduce body weight – 0,5-1 kg / week. May weight 2 kg a week, with no effect of the internal organs, but the faster tempo, stress, for the body. He didn't, in conclusion, endocrine disorders and gastrointestinal disease. At the same time, he took a lunch can be packed tightly, trap, eating disorders. Is this statement something to eat and fear this as compulsive overeating is harmful.

For this reason, doctors advice to you do not starve, but the diet to balance the body from any nutrients. You need to reduce weight, a calorie deficit should be easy. Safe diet a reduction of work – maximum of 25% of calories in a serving it has.