Without grueling fasting, losing weight is quite possible, according to nutritionists. It is important to get yourself together, follow clear instructions and 10 kg of weight will disappear in a month, thanks to a properly selected diet. The main thing is not to expect that the fast-acting tablets and powders from advertising will do all the work. The desired weight loss and at the same time rejuvenation is possible if you adhere to proven dietary methods.
What to do before losing 10 kg
Before starting a weight loss diet, you need to find out the reasons why you are overweight. Excess fat deposits can form due to an inactive lifestyle, nervous experiences and bad habits. The body can also change due to diseases of the endocrine system, oncology and other diseases. That is why it would be useful to consult a doctor before starting the planned weight loss of 10 kg.
If the cause is an illness, no method of effective fat burning for a month will help until full recovery. It is recommended that women donate blood to determine the amount of hormones before starting a diet.

A balanced diet to lose weight by 10 kg
It is important to eat a varied diet to maintain a balance of dietary fats in the body. When drawing up the menu, it is necessary to take into account that the daily diet should contain trace elements, vitamins and fiber. Then with the diet you will not only lose minus 10 kg, but you will also lose weight more easily and your health will improve significantly.
Foods that can be consumed without restrictions
There is such food that you can eat in any quantity without risking gaining extra pounds (k - calories, b - proteins, g - fats, y - carbohydrates):
- lettuce leaves (16 k, b - 1. 5 g, g - 0. 2 g, y - 3. 1 g);
- stalks of celery (12 k, b - 0. 9 g, g - 0. 1 g, y - 2. 1 g);
- cucumbers (15 k, g - 0. 11 g, b - 0. 65 g, y - 3. 63 g);
- tomatoes (14 k, g - 0 g, b - 0. 6 g, y - 3. 8 g);
- cauliflower (30 k, g - 0. 3 g, b - 2. 5 g, y - 4. 2 g);
- broccoli (34 k, g - 0. 4 g, b - 2. 8 g, y - 4 g);
- green peas (43 k, g - 0. 2 g, b - 3 g, y - 9. 2 g);
- grapefruit (35 k, g - 0. 2 g, b - 0. 7 g, y - 6. 5 g);
- orange (43 k, g - 0. 2 g, b - 0. 9 g, y - 8. 1 g);
- strawberries (41 k, g - 0. 4 g, b - 0. 8 g, y - 7. 5 g);
- blackberries (34 k, g - 0. 5 g, b - 1. 5 g, y - 4. 4 g);
- egg white (48 k, g - 0. 2 g, b - 11. 1 g, y - 1 g);
- fresh frozen algae (24. 9 k, g - 0. 2 g, b - 0. 9 g, y - 3 g).

Foods that should be eaten in moderation
Allowable food components that can be consumed in small amounts (half a normal portion), which the body needs during a diet to lose 10 kg:
- milk (64 k, g - 3. 6 g, b - 3. 2 g, y - 4. 8 g);
- kefir (41 k, g - 1. 5 g, b - 3. 6 g, y - 3. 6 g);
- cottage cheese 9% (169 k, g - 9 g, b - 18 g, y - 3 g);
- beans (96 k, g - 2. 2 g, b - 8. 2 g, y - 10. 5 g);
- buckwheat (89 k, g - 0. 9 g, b - 3. 6 g, y - 17. 6 g);
- oatmeal (316 k, f - 6. 2 g, b - 10 g, y - 55. 1 g);
- solid paste (338 k, w - 1. 3 g, b - 11 g, y - 70. 5 g);
- whole grain bread (69 k, w - 0. 8 g, b - 2. 3 g, y - 12. 8 g);
- unrefined butter no more than 2 tablespoons. l per day (898 k, g - 99. 8, b - 0 g, y - 0 g).
important!Protein consumption is necessary during a diet, it gives a feeling of satiety and is the basis of all important body systems.

Products to be excluded or limited as much as possible
List of foods that slow down weight loss on a diet:
- mayonnaise (610 k, g - 67 g, b - 0. 5 g, y - 1. 2 g);
- oil (876 k, g - 99. 48 g, b - 0. 28 g, y - 0 g);
- pork (1221 k, w - 24. 8 g, b - 17. 7 g, y - 1. 4 g);
- smoked meat (428. 5 k, g - 39. 9 g, b - 17 g, y - 1. 9 g);
- sausages (230 k, g - 21 g, b - 11 g, y - 0. 2 g);
- sugar (399 k, g - 0 g, b - 0 g, y - 99. 8 g);
- bananas (89 k, g - 0. 3 g, b - 1. 1 g, y - 20 g);
- grapes (72 k, g - 0. 6 g, b - 0. 6 g, y - 15. 4 g);
- sweets;
- sweet drinks (Pepsi, Sprite, etc. );
- alcohol (except red wine, no more than a glass per week);
- semolina (333 k, g - 1 g, b - 10. 3 g, y - 70. 5 g);
- white rice (333 k, g - 1, b - 7 g, y - 74 g).
It is preferable to steam the dishes by boiling and baking.

TOP 3 diets to lose weight by 10 kg
All monotonous diets and extreme ways to lose weight have drawbacks. A modern girl in most cases chooses a reasonable approach to effective weight loss.
1. Japanese
Most Japanese people are thin and not overweight. The inhabitants of the country adhere to a healthy diet. In two weeks of weight loss, following the rules, you can lose up to 10 kg on a diet.
A quick result can be achieved by the fact that the menu is based on protein foods and the diet contains a minimum of calories. After waking up in the morning, you should drink a glass of warm water, which promotes rapid weight loss and improves metabolism. Food is provided 3 times a day, there are no snacks on the diet. The weight of the portions should not exceed 400 grams, salt and spices should be abandoned. It is recommended to eat no later than 2 hours before going to bed.
During the weight loss diet, the following drinks are allowed: black coffee and green tea. You should drink at least 1. 5 liters of clean water per day. The body should get proteins from fish, meat, eggs and dairy products. Healthy vegetables and fruits saturate the body with fiber as you lose weight on this diet, and vegetable oils with fat.
- breakfast.Allowed drink (tea or coffee) with a piece of toast.
- Dinner.Steamed fish or beef, no more than 200 grams. Salad mix (carrots + cabbage) with added oil. You can alternate with 2 boiled eggs + stewed vegetables seasoned with oil and vegetable juice.
- Dinner.Fruits (200 g), except for prohibited ones, or boiled fish fillet + a glass of low-fat kefir.
The scale mark will remain long after the diet is over. Cooking is simple and does not take much time. Before you start losing 10 kg on the Japanese diet, you should consult your doctor.
2. Hollywood
The weight loss plan lasts for 3 weeks and is considered effective and popular not only among celebrities but also among ordinary girls. The main idea of the diet is a rich morning meal and a meager diet in the afternoon. A balanced diet was developed by nutritionists who give weight loss advice to Hollywood stars.
- breakfast.Black coffee without additives. Soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs. or 150 grams of lean boiled beef. Sometimes you can eat 180 grams of cottage cheese + 1 egg or 200 grams of shrimp + 1 orange.
- Dinner.Stewed vegetables + fruit salad that does not contain starch, or vegetable soup (without potatoes) + fruit salad.
- Dinner.One grapefruit or one cucumber.
You can replace coffee with green tea if there are individual contraindications.
3. Chemical
The diet method for weight loss involves eating organic and healthy foods instead of eating chemicals as the name might suggest. With this diet, you can lose up to 30 kg in just one month. The diet program was developed by Osama Hamdiy, a professor at Harvard Medical School. Daily servings are designed even for overweight people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system. Suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight and become healthier, except for individual contraindications.
The diet includes a complete rejection of alcohol and oils and limiting salt. Dishes are prepared by boiling or baking. It is not allowed to replace products with analogues, so as not to violate the structured compatibility menu and effectively lose weight.
You can eat the allowed foods throughout the day as much as you want until you are completely satisfied (but without overeating). The developed dietary method for effective weight loss includes three meals a day. The amount of salt should not exceed 5 grams per day. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
List of chemical diet products for one week:
- eggs - 20 pcs. ;
- grapefruit and orange - 5 each;
- beef and chicken - 500 grams each;
- lean fish (fillet) - 1 kg;
- fruits, except for prohibited ones - 1 kg;
- low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
- vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, carrots) - 3 pcs.
Drinks during the diet: green tea, a cup of coffee without sugar and milk in the morning.
A day you should eat 2-3 eggs, 150 grams of fish, meat and the same amount of vegetable salads. For dinner, you should eat 1 citrus fruit every day.
Forbidden for consumption during weight loss:
- Lamb;
- potatoes;
- animal and vegetable oils;
- grape;
- fruits containing starch (mangoes, figs, bananas).
Exiting the diet should be gradual in order to maintain the achieved weight, you should not eat sweets and flour.
Recommendations for losing weight
When your weight quickly decreases by 10 kg, it is recommended to follow a diet, try to eat at the recommended time, but no later than 2 hours before going to bed. When you feel very hungry, it is better for dieters to eat lettuce, arugula or spinach.
Sports play a serious role in the fight against excess weight. Swimming, fitness, aerobics, cycling and running are healthy and productive ways to lose weight.
Restless and short sleep, less than 8 hours a day, exacerbates the feeling of hunger during a diet and reduces the amount of the hormone in the blood responsible for the feeling of satiety. With lack of sleep, breakdowns are possible during the period of active weight loss and general nervous tension.
Regular drinking of clean water is one of the keys to losing weight properly by 10 kg per month. Water prevents the absorption of calories in large quantities, reduces the feeling of hunger and promotes rapid weight loss. Doctors recommend drinking at least 1. 5 liters of water a day.
Sometimes during a diet, at least once a month, a false feeling of hunger appears, which can be distinguished from the real one by a number of signs:
- You want a certain product, while during a real hunger you want to eat everything.
- No abdominal pain and dizziness.
- It's been less than 3 hours since your last meal.
False hunger occurs when dieting as a result of irritation of the nervous system, lack of water in the body or lack of sleep.
important!At the beginning of losing 10 kg of weight, you may feel nausea, weakness and changes in stools. As a result of increased weight loss, toxins can enter the blood during a diet. It is better to consult a doctor when choosing an enterosorbent for rapid removal of toxins from the body when losing weight.

How to speed up your metabolism
Metabolism provides important chemical processes in the body: tissue regeneration, respiration, elimination of toxins and others. Metabolism affects weight loss. The faster calories are distributed throughout the body, the less they are stored in reserve.
To lose weight, you need to activate your metabolism: in addition to diet, you need to walk more in the fresh air, avoid stress and eat more fresh vegetables. Foods containing selenium and iron - legumes, walnuts, garlic, tuna, apples, spinach, broccoli - will help speed up the metabolism on a diet.
How to calculate your normal weight
One popular method of calculation is BMI (body mass index). It is calculated by a simple formula: x = weight (kg) / height (m²). Once you get the index value, you need to check its interpretation:
- weight deficiency in x< 18. 5;
- normal body weight at x from 18. 5 to 24. 9;
- weight increases at x from 25 to 29. 9;
- obesity I degree with x from 30 to 34. 9;
- II degree of obesity with x from 35 to 39. 9;
- III degree of obesity at x >40.
With varying degrees of obesity, there is a high risk of concomitant diseases. Before losing weight with the help of a 10 kg diet, you should consult a doctor to choose a weight loss method.
Diet and how to eat properly before training
Food should be taken 2-3 hours before starting sports. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, but when losing weight it is recommended to consume them in a complex form (legumes, wild rice, buckwheat) to avoid sudden changes in blood sugar levels.
For people struggling with excess weight, it is important to consume more calories than they consume, then 10 kg will easily disappear in a month. Before training, while losing weight, you can eat vegetable/fruit salads, light cereals and whole grain bread. If you cannot eat a full meal within 2 hours, you should not exercise on an empty stomach. It is better to drink low-fat kefir or eat fruit 20-30 minutes before. before training.
Physical activity and how to exercise properly
A mandatory addition to your diet to lose weight is fitness. For the maximum effect of weight loss, you should alternate strength exercises with cardio training (no more than an hour of medium intensity). Strength training helps strengthen muscles and improves metabolism. When done regularly, cardio helps burn fat deposits (first muscle, then subcutaneous), which is especially important when losing weight.
You should exercise on a diet at least 3 times a week. Excess weight is burned the fastest in a month with prolonged exercises with a moderate load.
Why you can't lose 10 kg in 7 days
Getting rid of all excess fat in a week is impossible, and sometimes even dangerous. There are nutritionists who offer "super diets", following which you can lose 10 kg in 7 days. As a rule, the method for such weight loss consists of fasting and intensive training during the diet. In such a stressful regime, the body in the first placeloses water: if excess weight quickly disappears, then at the cost of great losses for the general condition of the person.
In addition, with fasting-based diets, after the initial rapid consumption of body fat, a decrease in metabolism occurs. The body does not want to lose weight during weight loss, doing everything for its survival - the level of hormones changes, the activity of the nervous system decreases. And after a week of such a diet, the weight returns and quickly increases. You can painlessly lose the same 10 kilograms in a month and not lose your health.

Sample diet menu for a week
With a properly formulated diet, excess water (swelling) disappears and metabolism increases. Weight loss occurs as smoothly and stress-free as possible, taking into account average physical activity. Menu (average 800 calories per day):
- MondayBreakfast: cottage cheese 100 g. Lunch: 2 eggs, vegetables 200 g, tea. Dinner: egg, vegetables 300 g, kefir 250 ml.
- Tuesday.Breakfast: cereals cooked in milk 150 g. Lunch: low-fat soup 250 ml, coffee without sugar. Dinner: boiled meat 150 g, vegetables 300 g, kefir 250 ml.
- Wednesday.Breakfast: vegetable salad 150 g. Lunch: chicken fillet 150 g. , vegetable stew 200 g. Dinner: baked/steamed fish with vegetables 150 g.
- Thursday.Breakfast: cottage cheese 100 g. Lunch: 2 eggs, vegetable salad 250 g. Dinner: boiled meat 150 g. , roasted vegetables 200 g.
- Friday.Breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese + sour cream (low-fat) 2 tbsp. Lunch: green borscht 200 ml. Dinner: cottage cheese 150 g, kefir 250 ml.
- Saturday.Breakfast: cereal with milk 150 g. Lunch: low-fat soup 200 ml, 3 sandwiches made from whole grain bread, tomatoes, cottage cheese and herbs. Dinner: turkey and buckwheat meatballs 200 g, kefir 250 ml.
- Resurrection.Breakfast: omelet with herbs, tomato and cheese 200 g. Lunch: chicken fillet 150 g, vegetable stew 250 g, coffee without sugar. Dinner: roast meat 150 g, vegetables 200 g, milk 250 ml.
You can snack on a diet of lettuce leaves, dried fruit, nuts and seeds between meals. For dessert, it is recommended to eat berries and fruits every day. Such rules contribute to rapid weight loss.

The best diet recipes
Low-calorie meals are good for the body and keep you full while you lose weight. To diversify your diet, at least once a week you can indulge in culinary creativity. You can lose weight by 10 kg and enjoy new recipes on a diet.
Fish cutlets (91 kcal)
- lean fish (fillet) - 400 grams;
- onion - 1 pc. ;
- parsley - a small bunch;
- soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
- salt - a pinch.
Preparation step by step:
- Grind the fillet in a meat grinder, combine with finely chopped onion and parsley.
- Add the soy sauce to the minced meat, salt and mix the ingredients well.
- With wet hands, form meatballs from the prepared minced meat and arrange them on a non-stick baking sheet greased with butter.
- Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
You can serve fish cutlets with buckwheat, vegetables or pasta. Portions are determined depending on the type of diet for weight loss.

Pumpkin puree (15 kcal)
The first dish with a bright taste of pumpkin and spices is easy to prepare and helps with the long-awaited weight loss.
- chicken broth/water - 1 liter;
- pumpkin - 500 grams;
- carrots - 1 medium;
- onion - 1 pc. ;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- salt, dry basil and a mixture of peppers - to taste;
- crackers and seeds - to serve.
Preparation step by step:
- Carrots, garlic and onions are finely chopped, lightly fried in an oiled pan.
- Add the peeled and diced pumpkin to the vegetables and fry for about 5 minutes.
- Half-cooked vegetables are placed in a saucepan, poured with 500 ml of broth and boiled until soft (15-20 minutes).
- Add the spices and salt to the pan and blend with an immersion blender until smooth. Thin to desired thickness with remaining stock.
Serve the soup hot with crackers and seeds.

Vitamin salad (32 kcal)
- cabbage - 300 grams;
- apple - 1 pc. ;
- clove garlic;
- a combination of your favorite vegetables, beets and carrots - 100 g each;
- unrefined butter - 1 tablespoon. l.
- lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
- salt and pepper - to taste.
Preparation step by step:
- Cut the cabbage into strips, grate the carrots and beets on a grater for Korean carrots.
- Transfer the finished base to a salad bowl, salt and crush with your hands for juiciness.
- Add chopped herbs, garlic, vegetable oil, lemon juice, grated apple in a common bowl, black pepper and mix.
This salad can be prepared without salt and pepper, which is preferable on a diet.

For whom diets are contraindicated and how to lose weight without a diet
Any dietary restrictions during pregnancy and breastfeeding that are not prescribed by a medical professional are prohibited. The doctor may recommend fasting days for edema or other diseases related to excess weight.
Against the background of menopause in women, harsh measures to lose weight can also be harmful to health. With pronounced fluctuations in hormones, methods aimed at losing weight disrupt the balance of estrogen, provoke pressure spikes and suppress the nervous system.
Diet restriction is contraindicated in diseases of internal organs or metabolic disorders, with the exception of therapeutic diets approved by a doctor.
Losing the necessary 10 kg of weight in a month as a result of a diet is completely acceptable, judging by the reviews of people who have lost weight. You should aim to eat diet foods and maintain a drinking regimen. Also, don't neglect exercise and don't forget to get enough sleep. When your weight reaches your normal weight, it's important not to lose that dieting gain. If you continue to eat correctly, the result of losing 10 kg will be consolidated and the excess weight will not return again.